Trenara on Apple Watch

Watchletic is the ultimate app for those aiming to advance their running training, executing workouts planned in Trenara on their Apple Watch.

Experience the ease of workout setup on your Apple Watch like never before. With Watchletic, you can seamlessly sync your Trenara-planned running intervals directly to your Watch. Because Watchletic understands the structure of your running intervals, it ensures the most accurate data is captured.

All workouts are conveniently saved to Apple Health, providing an easy way to track your running progress over time. For any feedback or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at

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It's free!

Screenshot of both an iPhone and an Apple Watch showing creation of structured workouts

Custom structured workouts

Combine intervals, warmups, cooldowns, recovery, etc. in whatever way suits your training the best.

Screenshot of an Apple Watch showing active workout view

Easy to read UI

Carefully tested fonts, sizes and colors for easiest readability at a glance. No longer looking twice to see what your current pace is.

Screenshot of the Trenara app and an Apple Watch showing the same workout

Trenara integration

Import structured running workouts directly from Trenara to your Watchletic app. With your tailored plans on your wrist, focus solely on your run while your Apple Watch guides your pace.

Download Watchletic on the App Store

It's free!


  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app
  • Screenshot of app


  • Multi-platform integration: Sync your workouts with TrainingPeaks, Final Surge, AI Endurance, Runcoach, Nolio,, Trenara and TrainAsONE for comprehensive triathlon training plans.
  • Train for running, cycling, and swimming with discipline-specific workouts.
  • GPS and distance tracking for accurate cross-country skiing workouts.
  • Create complex custom structured workouts with intervals, warmups, cooldowns, recovery, and more.
  • Import and export structured workouts to and from your favorite training platforms.
  • Import .FIT files generated from various services.
  • Custom workout templates for personalized training plans.
  • Audio/tactile cues when out of a target range.
  • Pacing splits with positive or negative splits, and optional reference route for hill effort configuration.
  • Apple Health integration: Store workouts and sync with other apps effortlessly.
  • Connect to Strava for direct export, eliminating the need for third-party apps!
  • Export to GPX, TCX, and FIT workout files.
  • User-friendly UI with preset common settings for hassle-free setup.
  • Always-On display for quick workout insights on your watch.


While Watchletic offers a wide range of features at no cost, you can enhance your training experience by joining Watchletic Club for only $1.99/month. To see the differences between the free and premium offerings, take a look at the table below.

Running workouts✔️✔️
Cycling workouts✔️✔️
Swimming workouts✔️✔️
Walking workouts✔️✔️
Cross-country skiing workouts✔️✔️
Create custom structured workouts✔️✔️
Create custom workout templates✔️✔️
Create custom workout plans✔️✔️
Store workouts on Apple Health✔️✔️
Announcements for new intervals, current pace, etc.✔️✔️
Show heart rate zones when working out for all workout types✔️✔️
Setup custom layouts for showing live workout data✔️✔️
Setup pacing splits similar to Garmin's PacePro✔️✔️
Always-On display✔️✔️
Use Apple Watch Ultra action button to skip intervals or pause workout✔️✔️
Optionally auto-pause runs and cycling✔️✔️
View post-workout stats✔️✔️
Animate your workouts✔️✔️
Export to Strava✔️✔️
Export to GPX, TCX, FIT files✔️✔️
Export to TrainingPeaks, Final Surge, TrainAsONE✔️✔️
Import from TrainingPeaks, Final Surge, TrainAsONE, AI Endurance, Nolio, Runcoach, Trenara,✔️
Import FIT files✔️